Our Story
"The decision to launch SXC Gin stemmed after an evening of drinks with friends. I have tried gin before, but openly admitted I did not like the taste. However, this time it was different. When asked, I was told that it was mixed with lemonade, not a traditional tonic mixer. This changed everything.
As that famous Company states - “75% of your drink is the mixer” and it became apparent very quickly that if I did not like the taste of tonic, then I would never get to enjoy the spirit’s flavour profile also. Thereafter, I worked on researching to see if I could create a spirit brand that was focused on ‘G&L’ drinkers - so called ‘lemonade lovers’. This is where SXC Gin was born.
Our mission is to provide added choice to fellow gin lovers by challenging the age-old stereotypes that exist within the industry. We do this through offering bold, uncompromising flavours that offer a unique twist on what is currently available."
Christian, Founder